The monograph  Mikael Thejll – SPACE TAKES PLACE provides an overview of the artist Mikael Thejll’s works from his first exhibition in 1984 to the present day.


”We are spatially anchored beings, where the surroundings, our bodily experience, our social and cultural anchoring, as well as the place and time, impact our existence.

Everyone inscribes themselves in a space at the same time as creating the space, and it is in this participation that curiosity and imagination are activated, and the space is constructed. Space is never just immediately given, but takes place..”

Mikael Thejll


”Mikael Thejll’s sculptural works contain a fundamental question about what space is and how space can emerge between material, language, and existence. The works are fundamentally in direct exchange with functionality, architecture, time, and the audience. Thejll’s space constructions are always open. They are frames - supporting structures - around a possible social situation. They are an idea of equality and a utopia of a possible translation into everyday practice. There are consistently open boundaries between art space and ordinary space in the works. They speak directly to our body and our memories of the world that surrounds us.”

Kerstin Bergendal on the exhibition ”Moment of the Eye” (2022)